Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When it's Summer…
Take some time to enjoy the sunshine!

It should be mandatory for everyone to take a week off and enjoy the sunshine in the Summer! There is something about having some freedom and down time to stop and smell the roses, or in my case the day lilies or water lilies or any of my perennials that happen to be blooming in my yard. It reminds me of my childhood when it seemed like you could just plop down on the grass, view up at the sky & see whatever you saw in the clouds.

It's been a little while since I've taken the time to write on this blog, way overdue in fact for someone that loves reading writing and expressing themselves. But sometimes that road we travel called life gets in the way and it is best for an expressive person to make some private time. 

Right now, there are lots of great things for me to be excited about and so it is now time to share my joy and excitement again. 

Here are a few of my recent beautiful things growing in my world and of course if it inspires me, I hope that it will inspire someone else too! 

A pretty pink water lily from my wild overgrown garden.

A view from my Sister and brother in law Chris & Mark's summer cottage on Lake Mitchell during 4th of July weekend.

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